Master Kanji with FlashKanji

Discover Kanji interactively at FlashKanji. Use flashcards, learn Jukugo, and master stroke order. Start your Japanese adventure now! 🀄🖌️


Learn with Interactive Flashcards

Our flashcards provide a fun and interactive way to learn and review kanji. Flip the card to see the meaning, pronunciation, Kunyomi and Onyomi. We also provide an all-in-one package of information such as stroke order, jukugo and related information for each Kanji.

Interactive Learning

Flip the card to learn the meaning, pronunciation, and example sentences.

Track Your Progress

Mark cards as "learned" or "need more practice" to track your progress.

Personalized Learning

Customize your learning by selecting the kanji you want to focus on.

Example kanjis

Understand Stroke Orders

Learn the correct stroke order for each kanji in one touch


Jukugo Mastery: Explore, Learn, Excel!

Explore the rich world of Jukugo effortlessly with our Flashcards feature. Master compound Kanji words in a snap, making your Japanese language journey both enjoyable and efficient. 🀄🎓


Quiz Quest: Test Your Kanji Knowledge!

Challenge yourself with our interactive quizzes. Reinforce Kanji skills, enhance recall, and track your progress in an engaging, fun-filled learning experience! 🀄🤔

Contribute to FlashKanji

Join us in shaping the future of Kanji learning! Our project thrives on collaboration and open-source contributions.

Explore and contribute to our GitHub repositories: Check out our projects that fuels this Kanji learning website

We extend our gratitude to the following projects and APIs that enhance your learning experience:

Together, let's build a community dedicated to making Kanji learning accessible and enjoyable for everyone! 🀄🌐